Thank you for your cooperation in water saving, power saving, energy saving and economy life.
물 절약, 절전, 에너지 절약, 경제생활에 협조해 주셔서 감사합니다.
感謝您在節水, 節電,節能和經濟生活方面的合作.
パワーセーブも時間帯は 廊下などの照明の消灯します
Turn off lights in corridors, etc.
Turn off the switch after each use, please.
Lower the set temperature of the hot water boiler (37°C)
出かけるときは ドミトリー(寝室)の電気も 暖房も OFF
Turn off the Power (Lights and Heater) when you go out.
Do not overuse disposable cups.
冬期間の日中 各ドミトリー(寝室)の暖房の使用制限あり
Turn off heating in each dormitory
談話室などは 日中の暖房使用可能
Heating can be used in the lounge, etc.
冬の寒いときは 湯たんぽや 綿入り半纏の使用を
Use “hot-water bottle” and “Japanese traditional room coat”
暖房の温度を上げすぎず 節約を
Savings on Heating.
Please use the shower with the economy.
Restrictions on using showers, etc.