- No amenities for guests such as nightwear, bath-towel, conditioner or toothbrush.
- Private showers, toilets, TV sets and refrigerators are not provided in the bed rooms.
- Eating, drinking and smoking are not permitted in the bed rooms. Please mind your manners and stay calmly.
- All room are equipped with a space heater. (No air conditioner) No heating charge. But it might be a little cold here in winter because it is an old house. If you feel chilly, you can use extra blanket and Hot-water bottle.
- No air conditioner
- ⚠︎Basically No key for the guests rooms. Please manage your luggage by own responsibility. Please use the locker as much as you’d like.
- ⚠︎When the hostel equipment is damaged or bedding is gotten dirty, please tell us quickly.
- We apologize for the inconvenience this will cause you, but we ask for your kind cooperation.