MorinoKi News “Pick up Topics“
- About access to MorinoKI in winter.Coming here from Sapporo (Minami-Otaru station), there are routes which cannot be driven by car. If you think you’re okay to go this way, your car can get stuck in the snow when you go up this steep road. Please make a detour even if it is troublesome. You may walk this narrow path, but you will be very tired with a heavy suitcase.
- Happy New Year 2025!Happy New Year 2025! Wishing you a happy and best New Year for your journey
- January 2025Happy New Year 2025! Wishing you all the best on your journeys in this year. I was busy on New Year’s Day, and when I realized it, it was already dark. Last year was the same. When I realized it, The year’s gone by in an instant. Today was a special day, but it was just another day. Snow shoveling, check-out, cleaning, doing laundry, check-in… It’ the usual.
- December 2024December 2024 Happy Holidays 2024 -2025! Merry Christmas! Have a wonderful holiday. Hope all travellers are in a peaceful world where they can travel safely and freely.
MorinoKi News “Pick up Information”
- About cancellation caused by disaster or bad weather.If you have to cancel your reservation because of traffic obstruction caused by disaster or bad weather, there will be no cancellation fees. We will deal as much as possible, even if the staying days have passed. Please let us know after your situation is regularized. Your safety is all more important than anything else. We like to wish you a safe journey.
- About access to MorinoKI in winter.Coming here from Sapporo (Minami-Otaru station), there are routes which cannot be driven by car. If you think you’re okay to go this way, your car can get stuck in the snow when you go up this steep road. Please make a detour even if it is troublesome. You may walk this narrow path, but you will be very tired with a heavy suitcase.
- Please Book Online.We may not be able to accept a phone call by the convenience. During the winter season (October to April), we are unable to accept bookings by phone.
- About paying hostel fees
MorinoKi News “Otaru Tips“
- OTARU Ture*Dure vol.31. Now On saleDEEP DIVE INTO OTARU through the lens OTARU Ture*Dure 31 – 2024 Autumn
- OTARU Ture*Dure vol.30OTARU Ture*Dure 30 – 2024 summer 販売中!今回の特集は「小樽市役所という最強ノスタルジー」 1933年(昭和8年)に建てられた小樽市役所の話です 詳しくは 本誌で 今回も拙文「たぶん今日も旅をする」を 書かせていただきました 内容は 昨年10月に東京に見に行った太陽劇団のお話です お目汚しではございますが ご一読いただければ幸いです 「OTARU Ture*Dure」は 杜の樹でも 販売中
- OTARU Ture*Dure 2023 vol.28今回の特集は「寝ても覚めても Music 24/7」「ここのお店なればこそ!ひみつのカレー」。 小樽のライブハウスや音楽人のお話と専門店ではない隠れたカレーのお話をお楽しみください。
- OTARU Ture*Dure 2023 AutumnOtaru Photo zine DEEP DIVE INTO OTARU through the lens “OTARU Ture * Dure” http://watashibrand.com/ A5 40P All Color ¥300_(inc TAX)
whoopers’ Diary
Working Holiday on Otaru Project
- February 8th. Otaru snow light pa […]
- ぴよす! 最近お祭の屋台でよく見かけるようになったきゅうりの一本漬を、きゅうり飴 […]
- Ceci est le dernier mail que j'envoi […]